Every group has stories.
We invented GroupStory™ to make sure...
the best stories, and the times, emotions and relationships they represent, get shared and saved
easily and affordably, and in a way that helps people feel better about themselves and their group.
What’s Your GroupStory?
The Story Behind GroupStory
A Little Magic, A Lotta Science
Human Connection Is Vital But Elusive
It’s at the core of who we are and something we can't afford to lose. The sense of belonging that comes from living and participating in community with others fulfills a human need that can’t be satisfied through any other means. It is our innate communal nature that leads to the cooperation, sharing and compassion that have sustained human beings since the dawn of time. If we permit the erosion of community, we lose the communal values that help stave off a more debased orientation that leads to unbridled selfishness and individualism. With this loss of connection comes the loss of empathy and compassion.
Despite its importance, research suggests social connection in American society is decreasing at an alarming rate. Average household size is decreasing, and people are becoming more geographically and emotionally disconnected from family and close friends. Families and communities are experiencing alarming levels of loneliness, anxiety, and disengagement. The problem is so prevalent, it impacts people from all races, geographies and cultures.
Stories Affect How We Think & Feel
Our lives are filled with amazing moments that touch our hearts and make us who we are. Many involve the people we love, to whom we’re connected in groups like families, companies, teams and clubs. Groups lie at the very core of human experience. They provide relevance and feedback; they tell us who we are, how to act and what to feel. Recalling, preserving and sharing important group stories can improve memory, strengthen social ties and positively impact physical, cognitive and emotional wellness, fulfilling some of our most fundamental and vital human needs.
The stories we tell of those memories are rich with detail and emotion, and the best ones are almost magical. Sharing group stories is a ritual as old as time because memories have the capacity to teach, strengthen and connect us to the people we love. Our memories are a link to the past, a source of knowledge that shapes our life choices. They are influenced dramatically by language and imagery and are closely tied to our emotions and mental health.
We use innovation & technology
to influence how stories are told and preserved
so people remember better, feel better and relate better.
Hearts & Minds
Recent advances in the fields of affective neuroscience and social cognitive neuroscience are shedding light on how our hearts and minds work together: how what we think and believe can affect our health. When we think, feel and act, our bodies respond, physically and emotionally. In the field of preventive health, a number of evidence-based protective factors have been identified including optimism, problem solving, self-efficacy, impulse control, spirituality, resilience, and close relationships. In other words, when people feel more loved, they feel better and may actually be better.
Our brain interprets our senses and experiences to help us make choices. But how we think and feel is also dramatically impacted by the people we know, the goals we chase, the memories we make, and the stories we share. Recalling and sharing stories, remembering and being remembered, particularly in the context of a shared experience, can help reaffirm identity, strengthening social connectedness and belonging.
It works because we share a common humanity; we all want to feel safe, understood and valued. Knowing we belong and matter--hearing it from the others in our group, especially those we value most--can enhance self-esteem, strengthen relationships, and improve group cohesion. These are important outcomes for groups like families, teams and companies because positive relationships increase a sense of personal worth, decrease the effects of stress and disease, and enhance resilience and coping.
Innovation & Technology
At Applaud, we’re tackling this challenge with innovation and technology based on fundamental principles of neurobiology, social cognition and emotional behavior. We apply our patented process called Digital Collaborative Reminiscence with Personalized Memory Compilations that stimulates cognition, emotions and memory reconsolidation to influence how stories are formed, told and saved. Our objective is to make sure the best stories, and the times, emotions and relationships they represent, get shared and saved easily and affordably, and in a way that helps people feel better about themselves and their group.
To share these benefits with the widest audience possible, we developed a digital collaboration platform called GroupStory™ which curates emotive content such as memories, images and stories from groups of people with a shared experience, like belonging to a family, team or company.
Sharing the most meaningful memories requires a way to encourage group recall then capture details and imagery from all the people in the group, regardless of how many or where they are--and that's just hard. Even with technology, it’s difficult to capture the details of each team member’s memories, gather the right imagery, then combine them in a way that truly represents each person's experience.
Groups are complicated and curating the most important parts requires skill and experience most people don't have. Moreover, a group’s story is more than just the sum of its parts. Groups experience, remember and share things differently from individuals. A group experience is the combination of all the participants’ experiences, each of which is a little different: what they saw and felt, who's important to them, what they said and did; it all changes how it's remembered and later retold. When a group tells a story, it has more than one perspective; each person's contribution adds something, fills in gaps, adds details. Blending memories from different people’s perspectives makes the group story better.​
Yet, there's a downside. Social objectives, like fitting in and not being embarrassed can influence which memories get shared and repeated. Those parts of the story then become dominant and can actually change what people remember and how they remember it. This happens every day on social media where the loudest voices hijack storylines, and people whose stories don't fit "the narrative" don't share. For better or for worse, how a group's story is told can change how people perceive and remember--how they feel about themselves and their group--forever.
Using software dramatically lowers the cost of access, reproduction and distribution and creates a GroupStory™ Personalized Memory Collection for each group member. Even better, it doesn't treat people badly or have some of the negative outcomes of existing services; like social media. Participants relive the best parts of their group experience in a truly personalized fashion with people they really care about and wind up remembering, feeling and loving better.
GroupStory software curates emotive content such as memories, images and stories from groups of people with a shared experience, like belonging to a family, team or company.
Remember, Feel & Love Better
At Applaud, we choose to use our knowledge, method and tools for good because we believe as a people, we’re better together and technology should unite, not divide us. Our approach is founded in science, implemented by software, enhanced by artificial intelligence and supported by two U.S. patents. It not only preserves the best stories, but produces beautiful, personalized keepsakes for each group member and makes groups and their memories better. With versions for families, companies, teams and wellness, we can help millions of people remember, feel and love better, making our world a better place.
At Applaud, we choose
to use our knowledge and technology for good
because we believe
as a people, we’re better together
and technology should unite, not divide us.