Our patented method employs a process that can be described as dynamical system neurocognitive symbiotic recall is designed to overcome the interactive/emergent properties of group recall. At its root, this approach relies on two principles:
using the right combination of nominal group recall and selective inclusion produces the richest, most accurate recall of how people experienced an occasion or event. The implications are significant for a business like ours, that relies on the ability to reproduce a memory.It means a method that preserves a more accurate and thorough rendition of a memory can later reproduce a more accurate and thorough recall. Conversely, it means using a method that’s less accurate and less thorough has the potential to reproduce a memory of lower quality; and
after reflecting on the product of this type of group recall and social interaction, participants’ memories are changed, as are their physical and emotional health.
Only mathematical complexity theories provide the requisite tools to understand this kind of nonlinear, top-down and bottom-up causation, typical of such collective group behavior. Moreover, if the process that catalyzes the iterative memory recall is done wrong (with the wrong method, or in the wrong order), the output could include be deteriorated. Conversely, if that process is done right, it will produce synergy and symbiosis; ie. a better memory.
Within the framework of fractal analysis, we developed a “recipe” for an emergent, shared memory with the “ingredients” consisting of all memories produced by the act of group recall. Using iterative fractal math, we can demonstrate the synergistic nature of group recall by comparing the collaborative output to the collective sum of the participants’ contributions. The resultant mathematical proof demonstrates as group recall takes place, a collaborative memory is constructed iteratively as each participant contributes their explicit memory (that which they specifically recall) and a latent memory emerges. Latent memory is not explicit memory, but is an emergent function of group recall. It comes into being only after participants share their explicit memories, as participants find new information about the shared experience; information provided by others, but which they did not recall or about which they were not previously aware.
Its significance to the task of preserving memories comes from its capacity to alter how explicit memory is both perceived, and later, recalled. If the goal is to preserve the most complete and accurate recollection of a shared event, then the emergence of latent memory must be carefully managed. Done right, the post-recall emergence of latent memories can enhance the experience and make for a better memory. However, If combined too soon in the process, the development of latent memory may actually negatively alter participants’ recollection. Moreover, because group recall has non-linear properties, the emergence of latent memory has the potential to permanently change more than one group member’s recollection.
Using the GroupStory method—founded in science, implemented by software and supported by two patents—not only preserves the best stories but makes groups and their memories better.
